Coffee and a Classic

Hello everyone. I have a special announcement or two for my readers.

One. I recently have started posting videos on youtube. Yes, little old me, in front of a camera. This is a big deal to me because I get very nervous when I’m in front of a camera. Part of the reason why I started was to get over that fear. And I think it is working. Yay!

And number two. I have just made one, unboxing my first ever book shipment subscription. It is called Coffee and a Classic, as you can see from the title. I had a real hoot making it. And want to focus my vlog on books and pony/brony news, so this fits right in. Please check it out on my channel, Apple Brush. Or check it out here. ^_^ And Happy Halloween!




The Louisa May Alcott Challenge

I ran into the challenge back in 2016. The main idea was that each person participating was to make a list of works by LMA, then make their best efforts to finish the list by the end of the month. Even though I am not sure that the challenge is being re-instated this year, still I will go on as though it is.

Here is my list.

Under the Lilacs

Shoes and Stockings: A Collection of Short Stories

A Garland For Girls


If I finish all these, then I would start reading her journals.


That is all for now. Have a pleasant day. And let me know if you also want to take part.


Update on 24-Hour Readathon #1

Hello again!

So, it is now Five in the morning, and I have read a fair few chapters and listened to some short stories on Youtube. I also drank a monster. It was Pipeline. I might write a review of my favorite kinds of energy drinks by and by.

I am on ch. 2 of Ready Player One

I Have started earlier on both Spock’s World and Anne of Avonlea and am using this readathon to finish them. Spock’s World is a bit strange in that it is divided in sections and not chapters. And those are fairly long as chapters/sections go. I am currently in the middle of Enterprise Two.

In Anne of Avonlea, I am on Chapter 20.

With Under the Lilacs, I am on chapter 3

I also paused and wrote a few blogs out. Will post them sooner or later. And I am looking forward to a slight break soon, where I think I might make some breakfast at around 6.

Till my next update, happy reading!

News from a crazy bookworm

What would a bookworm do to spend vacation time to date? Well, this one is doing a read-a-thon! 24 hours, starting at midnight and ending at midnight. I will only pause to write a book review or cook a meal. What I am going to do is read a chapter from four books, and switch to the next once that chapter is done. Oh and listen to audio books.

My current books are:

Under the Lilacs

Anne of Avonlea

Ready Player One

Spock’s World


Also, I didn’t start it but did finish one book and one sermon so far.

Up Country-YA Novel

The Greatest thing in the World-Sermon


Wish me luck! One hour down, 23 more to go.

Book Review- The Louisa May Alcott Cookbook

Book Review


The Louisa May Alcott Cookbook


It is hard to believe that a child wrote this, but it is definitely the truth. When Gretchen Anderson was nine, she began adapting recipes for the food mentioned in Little Women, and Little Men. It is an ambitious project, but one she done with skill, from what I have read.


There are many favorites in here, such as apple pie, gingerbread, and omelets. Most of the stories and excerpts before the recipes are fun to read, and the recipes themselves are clear and easy to read. The art is great. Karen Milone has a deft touch with creating truly great work that brings out a nostalgic beauty in everyday acts.


However I had found some inaccuracies, easily brushed aside when you recall the age of the author and cook. However, I found it limiting that only two books, three if you count Jo’s Boys, was represented in a book claiming to be about Alcott’s work. But I don’t mind so much, as it is giving me an idea for an updated version!
This is a great cookbook for anyone just learning, or want to do something with a Little women theme in mind. It is witty, and the art by Karen Milone is perfect for it. Check out a copy for yourself, and prepare to make some tasty ‘Little Women’ inspired food.

A word, a ramble scramble word.

I was reading a post from “Alcott is my Passion”. First off, this is book news. Her novel, A Little Woman In Blue, Come out Sept. 15! New Books are the best!

Also, It is refreshing to hear about a project involving the Alcott family that is not about Louisa. I was always curious about May, and will be looking over this book. I’ll probably have to wait longer, for it to be found in a library. But I will be looking for it! Maybe I’ll be able to skim it in a bookstore?
I just know that she would do a great job here. Check out her blog and find out for yourself.

On a more personal note. I hit a bit of a busy time, and won’t have time to post as much. Before I would forget to write and just leave you hanging. But this time, I am trying to learn to be more considerate. I might be able to post something short tomorrow, but no promises after that.

Have a blessed day!