
November 17, 2014. That was when I wrote my very first blog post for this blog. And clearly, I was doing this without Grammarly. Oh, the bad writing.

And sadly, I don’t think I got much better, but consider how often I wrote a post. I guess it’s like weight loss. Only backwards. The amount of word skill you take in is only equal to the number of words you put out. Or something like that. Sorry, just came from a science kick, and my brain is still trying to think along those lines. See what happens when I get curious?

But, even with the less than the stellar number of posts for the years I have been writing, this is a pretty neat feat! I started in November 2014, and it is now November 2018. Four years. Four years of daring to put my work out there, struggling against self-doubt, laziness, and learning to improve my writing. There are even some good posts here.

And many of my readers have been here for three years or more. That is incredible! Thank you for following me. I would never have stuck with it if it were not for you. Thak you. And a question. What would you like me to do to celebrate? Leave a comment, post on Facebook, write an e-mail. Let me know. Or visit my Pateon account. 😛 Yeap, #shamelessplugging

So for now, here is the very first blog post of The Ink Splattered Desk! YAY!



A nanowrimo post

Day 16, and I currently am 35,000 words strong, give or take ten. I also have at least one fanfiction idea, and started a fanfiction for the turtles, that is an additional 2,500 words. November is becoming my favorite month of the year, for I feel free to write and create, without excuse. I have ideas for other books, lots of other books, and I’m going to spend some of the last half of the month outlining them, both fiction, christian non-fiction and christian fiction!

Also, this happens to be my very first post for this blog. I didn’t want to start it with the obligatory Hello Internet, I’m Blank. But I have no problem acknowledging the fact, at the end. Hello Internet, I’m the ink splattered writer. Cowabunga, Dude!


Looking ahead

I have plans. Oh yes, I have plans for the future.


First, I am going to go back from the very beginning of My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic, and I am going to review the episodes. I feel like the pressure is off on this, because there are so many reviews out there, with so many different perspectives and spins, that there is no way that mine can be that notable, so I won’t even try. I will only write my thoughts out as clearly and entertainingly as possible. And if people like them and want to read on, then so much the better. And anyway, I need the practice. And a bonus. Still obsessed! So there is that.

I am also going to go down the list of Bronies and going to rate them and their content. This would include voice-overs, reviews, animation, fanfiction, the whole shebang. And let me warn you here and now. There is a LOT of content out there! It is a very deep sea we are about to plunge in so I suggest you bring along your favorite snorkel and/or flotation device.

Lastly, I will go back to my first love. Books. Namely reviewing books. I have been reading a fair bit. And one of the book-based projects I am hoping to tackle is one near and dear to my heart. I will go through the Hardy Boy Casefiles from #1 onward. And that is a lot of books. Because if that, I think I will keep the reviews to a few hundred words and put them out about once a week or so. The number is pretty excessive, but I think it would be manageable because the storylines are fairly similar to each other.

And I might do the same with star trek novels. Not sure on that one though.

And I believe that is enough projects for the moment. I have a few things I do want to tackle, such as actually learning how to scan art with a scanner, and maybe even buy a microphone! Dum dum dum!!! Because I have not let go of the idea of starting a vlog. Or doing readings of short stories, poems, and fanfiction, and maybe even learning animation. But those are a ways away yet. And require a whole bunch of 30 seconds of courage. Honestly, I break out in a sweat every time I even think of putting myself on camera. ” God didn’t give me a spirit of timidity, but one of courage.” And I will cling to that verse even if it kills me!

So until my next post, I’m taking off. Byeeee!

A Head’s Up

Well, I was going to watch My Little Pony The Movie today, and start Sunday with a review! Well, waking up with a migraine put that to bed, both literally and figuratively. So I would have to postpone the plan. But I will watch it by Wednesday at the very latest and will write a review no later than Thursday.

On a personal note, I am really glad right now that I said I would start tomorrow and not today. I will try to write something today to post tomorrow. But with this migraine…well, I’ll see what I can do.


I am happy to announce that next week, starting Sunday, there is going to be a theme to my posts!! That’s right, I am taking a chapter from the Nostalgia Critic here.

Next week will be…….:: Drum roll::



What is a Brony? Well, it is one of the two names for fans of MY Little Pony Friendship is Magic, of which I recently became a member. So expect video posts, essays, reviews and character profiles all week long!! Ooh, I am so excited!!

Remember, Sun-Sat is officially Brony WEEK!!!!!! Heh. Your welcome.


Let me know what you think about themed weeks and this themed week in particular. Do you have any theme ideas for next time? Would you like them to continue at all? Let me know on facebook, youtube, twitter or e-mail me at

An Awkward Post

Well, I had obviously not been following my schedule like I planned. I am sorry. I had a lot of things going wrong this summer, including a heat wave! Heat waves are evil. I found out that when temperatures go past a certain point, my brain goes into hibernation. This made me sad. Nothing creative came out of my brain in the last two month. But on the up side, I been reading on a fairly steady clip, so as soon as I settle down to the task, I should have plenty of reviews, and finished the first season to a theme I wanted to review for this month! YAY!!! So…kinda productive??

Anyway, I will most likely get back in gear this Thursday/Wednesday. Expect a post no later than then, and have an awesome day!

What to expect in july

Working schedule for my blog

Mondays will be movie reviews, and possibly a personal news blog. Might also do a quick show review.

Tuesdays will be sharing my personal writing in the form of excerpts and poems and flash fiction, as well as the sharing of fanfiction.

Wednesdays will be book reviews, and/or book news

Thursdays will be the one day of the week that won’t have a new blog post. But will possibly when I get them organized and ready for posting

Fridays will be youtube reviews and book reviews

Saturday will be essays, book reviews/news and a post of one of my ‘living like a…” Chapters

Sundays would be posting a review on sermons, and posting links to sermons, and books reviews. And overview of the last week, and an outlook of what could be expected in the week to come. Maybe poems shared.

Hello, bloggers and readers!!

Seriously, is there anyone there? Hello? LOL! I was just being

LOL! I was just being flippant, of course. But I know that my blog has been, up until now, not exactly the most active or engaging. It took some years, and practice and reflection, but I finally realized I need some order to make this blog work. And then I have to stick to that order. No excuses. Well, for the most part. If life gets crazy, and I have no prep for it, then yeah. That will be what it will be. But for a normal life, even illness is no excuse. So I am now going to do two things. One will involve you. The other will challenge me. One, let me ask what do you want to see more of? Is there anything that you must see that will involve writing, or books, or youtube/online websites, or movies. Do you want me to review shows? Warning, I do not

So I am now going to do two things. One will involve you. The other will challenge me. One, let me ask what do you want to see more of? Is there anything that you must see that will involve writing, or books, or youtube/online websites, or movies. Do you want me to review shows? Warning, I do not have any kind of cable, so that might limit shows or movies. But I currently have access to Youtube, and to Netflix. So it won’t be completely out of the question. Do you want me to focus on certain kinds of movies, or have monthly themes? Let me know on Youtube, or at my e-mail, The second part is the one that will test me. I will parcel out each day of the week for differents subjects. Ron instance,

The second part is the one that will test me. I will parcel out each day of the week for differents subjects. for instance, Mondays might be media day. I could cover movies and t.v. show reviews and the like. Tuesdays could be writing news and fiction excerpts. Wednesdays could be book reviews, and so on and so forth. I won’t fully commit to a schedule for the rest of the month, as a way to see if I get any feedback in that time, and will post every other day, as I prepare material and work out a working schedule. Then, starting in July, I will

Then, starting in July, I will post the plan and see how that goes for the month. If it doesn’t get any complaints, then it will be the plan, with maybe a few tweaks as life happens. I will just say it, I might have two book review days. I am in a number of reading challenges right now, though one I no longer have the time to keep up with and might drop soon. The others are governed by me and might be able to fit in another readathon. That being said, I hope everyone has a great day and enjoy your happy wordy nerdy life!