Book Review

Book Review-The Halftime Show!

The Five People You Meet in Heaven


I had recently started this book yesterday! It was part of my reading challenge. And I will be honest here. It has, and I am not exaggerating in the slightest, the power to steal hours and sleep from your life. And you will thank this book for doing so. You will be more than happy and grateful to let it take all the hours it wants from you. I’ll write a more complete review once I finished the book, but here is my general impression so far.

The introduction is bloody inspired! It managed to introduce the main character nicely and sets the tone for the book, so far that I saw. And it sets up the setting wonderfully. It soon becomes clear that Ruby Pier is as much of a character as the main character, Eddie. Then the main trauma happens, and no, I won’t give this or any other spoilers away, currently. That will be for the main review. Fair warning.

I also have to say, that even though I am not done, I already know that the writer, Mitch Albom, is great! He has a wonderful style and way of description that is beautiful without being heavy-handed.

I definitely give this a worth owning new. Now, if you excuse me, I have some reading to do!